Human Creativity and the word of the Creator: Insights from the Holy Qur’an—The word of Allah to inspire human creativity, empower understanding, sequence learning, revelation and rationality
Authors: Dr. Altaf Qadeer

Creativity, Creator, Insights, inspire, empower, sequence, revelation, rationality


Insights from the Holy Qur’an: the word of Allah, to inspire human creativity, empower
understanding, sequence learning, revelation and rationality.Recent research in the field of
sequence learning, cognitive sequencing, order and sequence of texts, its influence on
learning along with the ways to inspire human creativity is gaining scholarly interest. Holy
Qur’an provides multitudinous insights to inspire human creativity and multiple forms of
understanding with revelation and rationality along with a highly insightful way of its
presentation. In the light of Holy Qur’an and other related subjects, some frames of human
understanding and creativity are explored.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-11-05
Accepted: 2018-11-17
First Published:9/16/2024 11:32:52 PM
First Page & Last Page: 10 - 11
DOI: -
Collection Year:2018