The Editorial Board of Journal of Molecular Cell Biology takes a very active role in selecting and refereeing papers, ensuring the best quality of contemporary applications. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Attribution -Non Commercial- No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Articles will appear individually as soon as be accepted and are ready for circulation.
The journal will mainly publish primary research papers with findings of unusual significance and broad scientific interest. The main criteria for weighing the appropriateness of a manuscript are its originality and novelty, potential significance and interest to the field, and robustness of data. 


Genomic analysis
Life sciences techniques Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Biophysical methods DNA isolation and purification
Biosensing techniques DNA sequencing
Electrocardiography - EKG Electrophoresis
Electroencephalography - EEG Gene targeting
Field potential recordings Genome-wide association studies
Patch clamp Genetic vectors
Single-channel recordings Genetic vectors
Laboratory automation
Cell/tissue technologies Microarray analysis
Antibodies Microfluidics
Apoptosis Mutagenesis
Cytokines Nucleic acid labeling and detection
Flow cytometry PCR-based techniques
Genetic vectors Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Immunohisto chemistry RNA isolation and purification
Laboratory automation RNA sequencing
Microfluidics Stem cells
RNAi Two-hybrid system
Signal transduction
Stem cells High throughput screening
Tissue array analysis Antibodies
Tissue culture Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Tissue engineering DNA isolation and purification
Transfection DNA sequencing
Flow cytometry
Cellular imaging Gene expression profiling
Antibodies Gene library
Atomic force microscopy High-throughput screening assays
Bioluminescence imaging Laboratory automation
Biosensing techniques Microarray analysis
Confocal microscopy Microfluidics
Electron microscopy Peptide library
Fluorescence in situ hybridization Protein array analysis
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Fluorescent dyes RNA isolation and purification
Fluorescent proteins RNA sequencing
Laboratory automation Small molecule library
Microscopy Tissue array analysis
Multiphoton microscopy Transfection
Tissue array analysis   Two-hybrid system techniques

Gene expression analysis Medical and small animal imaging
Antibodies Bioluminescence imaging
Bioluminescence imaging Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Magnetic resonance imaging
DNA isolation and purification Positron-emission tomography
DNA sequencing
Fluorescence in situ hybridization Experimental organisms
Fluorescent proteins Caenorhabditis elegans
Gene expression profiling Drosophila
Genome-wide association studies Mouse
Genetic vectors Rats
High-throughput screening assays Transgenic mice
Laboratory automation Xenopus
Microarray analysis Zebrafish
Nucleic acid labelling and detection Protein techniques
PCR-based techniques Antibodies
Protein array analysis Biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction Chromatography
RNAi Electrophoresis
RNA isolation and purification High-throughput screening assays
RNA sequencing Immunohisto chemistry
Transfection Laboratory automation
Two-hybrid system Mass spectrometry
Gene transfer Peptide library
Fluorescent dyes Protein array analysis
Fluorescent proteins Protein expression
Gene library Protein sequencing
Gene targeting Protein purification
Genetic vectors Surface plasmon resonance
High-throughput screening assays Two-hybrid system
Laboratory automation
Microfluidics Signal transduction techniques
Mutagenesis Antibodies
RNAi Apoptosis
Stem cells Biosensing techniques
Transfection Cytokines
Flow cytometry
Structural biology Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Antibodies Fluorescent proteins
Biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance Fluorescent dyes
Electron microscopy Genetic vectors
High-throughput screening assays High-throughput screening assays
Mass spectrometry Microscopy
Microfluidics Signal transaction
Small molecule library
Molecular Cell Stem cells
Developmental Cell and Tissue culture
Genes & Development Transfection

  • Author’s contribution on basis of subject in Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology;
  • Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Bioinformatics and Biometric
  • Chemical Technology
  • Molecular/ Cellular Biology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Theoretical Models off heath, life  and clinical practice
Type of contribution 
  • Type of contribution in Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology;
  •  Original research papers
  •  Reviewed articles
  •  Case reports
  •  Short communications
  •  Letters to editor
  •  Commentaries,
  •  Comparison
  •  Characterization and Analysis,
  •  Techniques/ Procedures
Review articles, letters and commentaries on timely topics are also welcome, and proposals for submitting such pieces will be considered in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief. Online peer review is used to increase the efficiency of paper handling.