ISSN: 2520-5986 | doi:

Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences  is a double blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal that explores the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. AHSS interprets these fields in an inclusive sense, in different theoretical, geographical and historical contexts. Its diversity is apparent in the variety of theories, methods and approaches, thus avoiding the frequent limitation to one school, approach or academic branch.

The AHSS is an annually published broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed journal circulated electronically. The Editorial Board of Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences takes a very active role in selecting and refereeing papers, ensuring the best quality of contemporary applications. The articles will appear individually as soon as be accepted and are ready for circulation.

AHSS invites theoreticians and practitioners to submit manuscripts embracing the full range of quantitative and/or qualitative research methods, reviews or short communications containing new insights into any aspect of Humanities and Social Sciences. AHSS particularly welcomes manuscripts which explore inspirational ideas in Humanities and Social Sciences, are written in innovative ways, are presented in experimental ways.  AHSS also invite to submit proposals for thematic issues dealing with a broad range of subjects. 

ISSN: 2520-5986
Key title: Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences
Abbreviated key title: Adv. Humanit. Soc. Sci. 
Open Journal Systems (OJS) of Public knowledge Project (PKP)

  • Frequency: Annual
  • Starting year: 2016
  • Nature: Online
  • Submission: Online 
  • Language: English

Open Access Compliance: 
Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences is open access journal that comply with definition of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to fulfil the requirements of open access. DOAJ is an independent database contains over 16500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Therefore, we grant the copyrights of scholarly published work for the usage of open license as described by Creative Commons. That allow the immediate free access to the work and permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. Thus, our contents are freely available without subscription without delay.


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Subject and scope 

Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Media, Economics, Ethics, History, History, criticism and theory of the arts, Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Jurisprudence, Language, both modern and classical, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Political science, Religions and Sociology, 

External Databases and Coverages

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