Authors: Bisma Munir, Hajira Sameen

 Fermentation, Canning and Freezing, Botulism, Minimal Processing Method, Raw Vegetables.


Food preservation has been practiced by humans through fermentation, salting and drying. The industrialization of food manufacture brought processes like canning and freezing to control microbial safety and enzymatic spoilage of foodstuffs. In the previous couple of days, preservation industry does bunches of unwanted things i.e. preserving un-fresh food due to which consumers were avoiding preserved food. Contaminated preserved food can cause lots of diseases i.e. “Botulism”, a deadly illness caused by Clostridium botulinum, found in soil and can grow when the food is improperly canned. Due to such drastic conditions, preservation industry attempt to make some headway in canned and preserved food. Pasteurization, vacuum packing, refrigeration, filtration are some common methods which are employed in food industry. A modern technique is introduced by food industry which is “Minimal Processing Method”. Minimal processing technologies are modern techniques that provide sufficient shelf life to foods to allow their distribution, while also meeting the demands of the consumers for convenience and fresh-like quality. Minimal-processing technologies can be applied at various stages of the food distribution chain. Minimal processing of raw vegetables has two purposes. Firstly, it is important to keep the product fresh, but convenient. Secondly, the product should have sufficient shelf-life to make distribution feasible within the region of consumption.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:6/8/2024 10:39:19 PM
First Page & Last Page: 107 - 108
Collection Year:2019