Waste utilization, black tea, substitute, alkaloids, cocoa powder.
The purpose of this study is to focus on waste utilization. Which is become necessity and a
challenge in food industry. Black tea is normally high in consumption among Asian countries.
And the wastage is discarded or used as fertilizer. The aim is more complete utilization of
raw material and minimization of pollution. Dried tea waste can be used as coco powder
replacer when it undergoes into different processes. The target is to used tea waste with the
association of sugar and milk to create coco powder. Interestingly both have almost same
composition both are rich in minerals and alkaloids. And both of it contains cellulose,
hemicelluloses, lignin, tannins, and proteins. So it is concluded that tea waste is a better
substitute of a cocoa powder with a affordable initial cost. And it can be used in a
preparation of baked goods and other savory dishes.