Authors: Muhammad Mazahir1, Azher Mehdi2, Zagham Hassan1

 Apricot bar, Antioxidants, Physicochemical properties, Sensory properties



This study is about to check the effectiveness of Ascorbic acid (AA), Citric Acid and Potassium Meta-bisulphite (KMS), on quality parameters of sucrose apricot bars was studied over three months at room temperature with 15 days intervals. Sampling was carried out as T0 (pulp of fresh apricot), T2 ( pulp of fresh apricot with KMS, Pectin, CA 1% of each and 20% Brix of sucrose used) T3 ( greater brix degrees 35’ with lesser amount of 0.1% of each chemical CA, KMS and pectin was used) in T4, we used lesser brix degrees and different amount of chemicals i.e. 2% pectin, 0.1% AA and 0.15% KMS), in T5 30 degrees of brix in fresh pulp of apricot with 0.1% AA, 0.1% CA and 2% pectin was used and in the last treatment T6 pulp of apricot with 35 degrees brix of sucrose and 0.15% pectin, 0.2% AA and 0.15% KMS. Results reveals that the water activity decreased from 0.70 to 0.62, non-reducing sugar 4.12 to 3.82%, moisture contents reduced to 15% from 18% also shows less pH and ascorbic acid in all samples. While in other physicochemical parameters it shows increasing trend i.e in reducing sugar, titratable acidity, total solids, and total sugars (17.25 to 17.65%, 1.25 to 1.51%, 84 to 87.28% and 63 to 69% respectively in samples. In sensory attributes i.e. color 8.35 to 6.15, taste 9 to 6.25 and overall acceptance 7.89 to 5.5 showed declined conspicuously. During storage all parameters reveals best results with t0 to t5 treatments. During whole study the treatment, T6 shows best on the basis of physicochemical and sensory attributes as compare to rest of other treatments.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:5/6/2024 10:49:34 PM
First Page & Last Page: 55 - 56
Collection Year:2019