Authors: Kaneez Haleema Sadia, Ali Asghar

 Food Safety, Pakistan Standards, Quality Control Authority, Pure Food Ordinance. 




Food Safety is acknowledged as a benchmark in Industry growth in developing world. Pakistan has a largest Food Industry as a developing country. There is considerable Food Standards in Pakistan to regulate the national and international Food Safety Standards. Peculiarly there are three Standards directly related to Food.  The Pure Food Ordinance, 1960 synthesizes and regulates the standards of preparation and sale of Foods. This standard is adopted by all provinces with certain amendments. The Cantonment Pure Food Act, 1966 is separate standard for Cantonment areas. Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act, 1972 is applied to all restaurants and hotels of Pakistan. This law does not contain any complain procedure like other standards but also do not bind any person not to complain to controller appointed by Federal Government. Punjab Food Authority is also a Safety regulating authority. It regulates the standard at provisional level. There is another Standard, Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority which is regulated under PSQCA Act, 1996. This is not a classified Food Standard/Law but related to it. Under PSQCA Act, inspection and testing of products and services is done including Food Items. There is no national Standardization body to regulate safety standards at International Level representing Pakistan Safety Standards. All the standards are regulated by provisional governments under different ministries. Standards are also not regulated properly and need reconsideration. Pakistan must consider Food Safety as national issue to harmonize Food Safety Standards in Pakistan.


Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:4/29/2024 9:20:58 PM
First Page & Last Page: 47 - 48
Collection Year:2019