Authors: Hira Javaid Khan1, Maida Jawed2, Ayesha Ansari2, Faiqa Fatima2, Areeba Hassan2, kanza jamil1, Sania Tayyab2, Rashida Ali2

 Nutritive diet, peanut butter, legume, confection, MUFA


In today’s trending time, we do not have many healthy products as people are getting knowledge so they are moving towards healthy, nutritive diet. So keeping it in mind, we have designed a confection using dark chocolate and peanut butter. As dark chocolate as compare to milk chocolate and sweetened chocolate not very commonly use in product. We have used peanut butter because it is an important legume, which has attracted researchers in recent times. It is a good source of protein and fiber and low in fat. The study is designed to evaluate the compositional change and acceptability by replacinghydrogenated fat with peanut butter to reduce the bad fats in our product that is “CHOKOLADE” and enhance the nutritional value. For this objective, we have performed different tests to check the quality of our product. Sensory studies show that peanut butter gave palatable flavor and taste. We have compared our product with other product in which we have incorporated cream in place of peanut butter. It shows that the peanut butter product has more shelf life than the other because the confectionery formulations contain banaspati (hydrogenated fat), which lowers the nutritional value due to the presence of large amount of saturated fatty acids whereas peanut butter contain MUFA. Moreover, small quantity of peanut butter was enough to give the same texture as that of cream.


Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-19
First Published:4/23/2024 3:10:28 PM
First Page & Last Page: 43 - 44
Collection Year:2019