Authors: Maria

Micronutrients, Fortification, DALYs, Economic impactBibliography:


Micronutrients Malnutrition is world-wide problem in all group of ages, women in reproductive age and children are more micronutrients deficient in developing countries. MNM have very serious effect on human health. There are three form of MNM which are most common. 1. Iron: 2 Billion people have below Hb level from estimated cut of point 2. Iodine: 2 Billion which have <100µg/l level of iodine in urine. 3. Vitamin A: 250 Billion people have ≤0.70µmol/l serum retinol level) these values are based on portion of the population. Due to loss of healthy life (disability-adjusted life years DALYs) are 2.4% anaemic, 1.8% vitamin A and 0.2% iodine of the global total. MNM is in poor region due food insecurity, lack of food and not easily access of food. Fortification is cost effective. Small amount of Vitamin A, Iodine, Iron or micronutrients are added in staple food like wheat, maize, flour etc. Vitamin JA is added in (cooking fat, sugar, cow milk, maize flour, chocolate drink) to reduce eye related problems, growth retardation and have also effect on immune system. In a study of 6 months on 2-3 year old children with 27mg vitamin A fortified margarine/day reduce serum retinol level from 26%-10%. Iron fortified products (chocolate drink,wheat and maize flour) are beneficial for reduction of anima. Effect to reduce iodine deficiency by fortified iodized salt with the help of Govt founds. Iodine deficiency leads low birth weight (LBW), mental retardation and brain damage in children. Impact on economic due to MNM is loss of productivity associated with iron deficiency 5% (light work), 17% (heavy work) and 4% (cognitive work).1% improvement in adult Hb increase 1-2% productivity. Fortified food is not only for an individual it is based on target group or a population to reduce MNM and improve health cognitive. 87 countries adopt food fortification of grains with folic acid and iron to increase productivity by reducing MNM.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-20
First Published:5/7/2024 12:15:15 PM
First Page & Last Page: 1 - 2
Collection Year:2019
Authors: Maria

Micronutrients, Fortification, DALYs, Economic impactBibliography:


Micronutrients Malnutrition is world-wide problem in all group of ages, women in reproductive age and children are more micronutrients deficient in developing countries. MNM have very serious effect on human health. There are three form of MNM which are most common. 1. Iron: 2 Billion people have below Hb level from estimated cut of point 2. Iodine: 2 Billion which have <100µg/l level of iodine in urine. 3. Vitamin A: 250 Billion people have ≤0.70µmol/l serum retinol level) these values are based on portion of the population. Due to loss of healthy life (disability-adjusted life years DALYs) are 2.4% anaemic, 1.8% vitamin A and 0.2% iodine of the global total. MNM is in poor region due food insecurity, lack of food and not easily access of food. Fortification is cost effective. Small amount of Vitamin A, Iodine, Iron or micronutrients are added in staple food like wheat, maize, flour etc. Vitamin JA is added in (cooking fat, sugar, cow milk, maize flour, chocolate drink) to reduce eye related problems, growth retardation and have also effect on immune system. In a study of 6 months on 2-3 year old children with 27mg vitamin A fortified margarine/day reduce serum retinol level from 26%-10%. Iron fortified products (chocolate drink,wheat and maize flour) are beneficial for reduction of anima. Effect to reduce iodine deficiency by fortified iodized salt with the help of Govt founds. Iodine deficiency leads low birth weight (LBW), mental retardation and brain damage in children. Impact on economic due to MNM is loss of productivity associated with iron deficiency 5% (light work), 17% (heavy work) and 4% (cognitive work).1% improvement in adult Hb increase 1-2% productivity. Fortified food is not only for an individual it is based on target group or a population to reduce MNM and improve health cognitive. 87 countries adopt food fortification of grains with folic acid and iron to increase productivity by reducing MNM.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2019-07-15
Accepted: 2019-07-20
First Published:5/7/2024 12:15:15 PM
First Page & Last Page: 1 - 2
Collection Year:2019