Synthetic Biomaterials for Health Applications
Authors: Dr. Marya Ahmed

Synthetic, Biomaterials, Health, Applications


The advances in the material science and engineering has enabled the development of
innovative biomaterials for the range of health applications such as drug delivery carriers for
drug resistant disorders, engineering of tissue constructs and for water purification technologies. The physiochemical properties of synthetic biomaterials are well-known to
impact their biological applications. The tailor–made biologically inspired biomaterials
provide an excellent platform to tune the biological properties of synthetic materials, as a
function of their physiochemical characteristics such as molecular weight, architecture, and
composition. The research program in Ahmed group is focused on the development of
novel, biologically inspired materials (polymers, nano particles, composites and hydrogels)
for health applications. We are specifically working on the synthesis of vitamin B5
functionalized polymers, peptides, nano particles and hydrogels and are investigating their
antifouling and antibacterial efficacies to overcome drug resistant bacterial anomalies in
vitro. Other research projects in Ahmed laboratory focus on the synthesis of polymeric
hydrogels and composites for water purification and water retention applications and ensure
the availability of clean water supply for arid regions.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-10-20
Accepted: 2018-11-20
First Published:8/8/2024 3:51:08 PM
First Page & Last Page: 19 - 20
Collection Year:2018