Hormesis – Surely, there is ease after hardship
Authors: Dr. Tauseef Khan

Hormesis, Surely, ease, hardship


Hormesis is an adaptive dose-dependent response of cells and organism to moderate stress
through which the system improves its functionality and tolerance to more severe stress.
This process is integral to all biological systems and is the driving force behind evolution,
aging and health. The hormetic principle provides a fundamental explanation for the effect of fasting, exercise, diet, acupuncture, herbal medicine, radiation, and possibly homeopathy on human health. The principle of hormesis, if harnessed correctly, can remove the current
roadblocks in the fields of nutrition, chronic disease, and aging. I will present the history of
hormesis, its development, its physiological and toxicological underpinnings and the wide
scope of its effect. Most importantly, I will present the clear verses of the Holy Qur’an that
present the principle of hormesis, which also offer guidance for future research.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-10-15
Accepted: 2018-10-25
First Published:5/23/2024 1:42:12 PM
First Page & Last Page: 28 - 29
Collection Year:2018