Design of Experiments: Using the Fleeting Time Wisely
Authors: Dr. Ijaz Ahmed

Design, Experiments, Using, Fleeting, Time, Wisely


As scientists, our patience is constantly put to the test. We understand that running
experiments and analyzing data takes time.In this talk, I will discuss the concept of
design of experiments (DOE), which is a useful statistical tool for gaining knowledge
about a system by varying multiple factors simultaneously. Typical experiments keep
everything constant and change one variable at a time. The result is then studied and
another experiment is run with a slight change in the conditions. This is not an efficient
use of our time.DOE is a tool that enables one to look at multiple parameters and gain a
better understanding of the overall system and how changing multiple factors affects the
outcome. This is used quite a lot in industry, but rarely in academia.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-10-05
Accepted: 2018-10-20
First Published:6/1/2024 7:41:28 AM
First Page & Last Page: 45 - 46
Collection Year:2018
Design of Experiments: Using the Fleeting Time Wisely
Authors: Dr. Ijaz Ahmed

Design, Experiments, Using, Fleeting, Time, Wisely


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical condition that causes difficulty in
focusing, paying attention, sitting still and other attention and focus related activities. ADHD
can continue well into adulthood and cause difficulties for adults who are in high stress
careers and demanding work environments. ADHD also causes difficulties in managing
multiple tasks and multitasking between home, work and personal time. In this presentation
we will investigate how Islamic practices can help with ADHD and other less sever attention
and focus related problems in children and adults. We will discuss how the structure and
order presented by Islamic activities can help curb the impacts of ADHD. And we will also
cover how Islamic scriptures and religious writings have clear outlines on how to maintain
higher states of focus and awareness that prevent ADHD.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2018-10-05
Accepted: 2018-10-20
First Published:6/1/2024 7:41:28 AM
First Page & Last Page: 45 - 46
Collection Year:2018