Secular philosphy , science ,islam
Take existence of our mind and soul as a fact. But what and who is human? It is a question that has
remained elusive since the emergence of human conscious. Thus it is not a surprise that agreement
does not exist between science, secular philosophy or theology on how to define the precise moment
when personhood begins and what are its rights and how do we define its end. From Aristotle to
early Judeo Christian scholars; from birth of Islam to immense advancement in science there is no
consensus of what uniqueness constitutes the human state and when that state does ends. This
conflict between science, religion and secular philosophy is at the heart of this presentation. The
presentation will explore Islamic teachings in context of historical and current advancements in
science. It will highlight the key points of contention between religion, secular philosophy and
science. The presentation will attempt to show that a solution to the conundrum of defining humanity
is hidden in Revealed guidance.