Authors: Munir Hasssan, Ph.D.

Holy Quran ,complete Book,believers.


The Holy Qur’an is a complete Book from Allah not only for the believers but also for all the human
beings. It is not only a book of Faith and rituals, but gives a complete code of life. It covers all the
aspects of our worldly life including social, moral, political, legal and financial. This aspect of the
Qur’an is known to everybody, especially to the believers.
All Muslims believe in the Holy Qur’an as a divine book. However, in the last a few decades there
have been instances where even the believers, especially the younger ones, have been curious and
started asking questions. Apart from other earlier arguments, Allah has recently revealed many other
arguments for those who sincerely want to learn from it. Many are in the scientific field where the
truthfulness of Qur’an becomes more and more evident as the deliberation on various Qur’anic
verses in the scientific interpretation is carried out.
This presentation is mathematical evidence of the Holy Qur’an being a divine book. This miracle was
not known until about four decades ago and is now gaining popularity. It shows that various letters,
words, verses and Surahs (Chapters) of Qur’an are not randomly placed, but are placed according to
a pre-determined mathematical arrangement. There is so much sophistication in this arrangement
that nobody could ever think about it at the time of the revelation of various verses of the Qur’an. It
could only be a work of a Supreme Wise who planned all these arrangements and research is still
going on in this direction. However, whatever is known till today is enough to prove that it is a divine
revelation and can never be a work of a human being.

Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2016-10-05
Accepted: 2016-11-05
First Published:5/27/2024 2:22:56 PM
First Page & Last Page: 5 - 6
Collection Year:2016