
Verse, Food, Quran



Ethics approval and consent to participate: No ethical approval needed for this research work.

Consent for publication: Author is agreed to submit this abstract for publication in this research journal.

Availability of data and materials: The information and data collected and/ or incorporated in this study is included in this manuscript.


Dr. Mirza Mohyuddin is a graduate of the University of Alberta. He was an Adjunct Professor at the U of Alberta from 1990 till 2000. He worked as an agricultural scientist and developed hydroponics cultivation methods for greenhouses. In 2014 he was inducted into the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame. He received several awards for his service to the agriculture industry and was honored by the Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association by creating a Dr. Mirza Educational and Scholarship Foundation. He has been actively involved with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and held several voluntary positions. The most notable was as National Secretary for Agriculture, 2017-2019 and Director of External Affairs in Edmonton.  He is the author of several research and extension publications and is recognized for his contributions. He is deeply interested in understanding the Qur’anic principles of life and resource management. His passion is to understand the relationship between God and Science and its practical applications.

When God created this universe and completed the process of bringing forward the best of His Creation, the Humans, it was decreed that all what is needed be prepared in advance. In order to supply food for our energy needs, God created all the foods and the oxygen and other processes for our sustenance under his attribute of Al-Rahman, The Gracious One, who creates resources without asking.
The author is a plant scientist and has been studying and working with plants, especially the one which are used for food and believes that one verse is the most important one in this process of food supply. In chapter 3, verse 191 of The Holy Quran, “In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the day there are indeed Signs for men of understanding”.
There is no denying the fact that our life depends on the sunlight and the darkness and all our food supply depends on this alternation. The key factor is what is called Photosynthesis during the daytime and Respiration during the dark period. It took over 3 billion years to perfect this process of fixing light energy where cells can fix the sun light energy by utilizing carbon di oxide from air and by splitting water molecules to make carbohydrates and oxygen. It is a long, evolutionary process and timed well with the creation of human beings.
The author will show how the God, The Gracious and The Merciful created and completed this process so that His creation can benefit and sustain itself.


Article Type:Conference abstract
Received: 2021-06-12
Accepted: 2021-06-14
First Published:4/20/2024 9:03:33 PM
First Page & Last Page: 17 - 18
Collection Year:2021