Refuting, Allegations, Error
Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Chughtai is a Professional Engineer. He graduated from the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan in Electrical Engineering with honours in 1991. Later, he completed his Masters in Telecommunications Management from National Post-Graduate Institute of Telecommunications, Islamabad, Pakistan.
He has the honour of receiving awards for educational excellence from both Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (r.a), as well as Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (r.a). He obtained the overall first position in Multan Board Intermediate (F.Sc.) exams in 1984. He served in the Government sector in Pakistan for 8 years. He then migrated to Canada in 2001. He has since been employed in the telecommunications Industry and is currently working as a Planning Engineer for Canadian Telco. He has served the Jama`at in various capacities at local and regional levels, including General Secretary, Secretary Talim (Education) and Secretary Talimul Qur’an (Qur’anic education). He has been serving as a volunteer at Jalsa Salana (annual convention) Canada for 17 years. Mr. Ansar Raza has served as a teacher in Ahmadiyya Missionaries Training School (Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada) and as an editor of English Section of Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada. Presently he is working as a research scholar and Missionary in Vaughan.
Ethics approval and consent to participate: No ethical approval needed for this research work.
Consent for publication: Author is agreed to submit this abstract for publication in this research journal.
Availability of data and materials: The information and data collected and/ or incorporated in this study is included in this manuscript.