Authors: Orhan Yilmaz, Fusun Coskun, Mehmet Ertugrul
Keywords:Canis familiaris, Pit Bull, blood sport, illegal sports, animal fight.
Aim of this paper is to revise dog fighting in Turkey. Obliviously dog fighting is a type of blood sport and almost occurs in every part of the country and in every type of community. When a fight begins, generally the spectator place bets with one another on which dog will win. Dog fighting also includes some strict rules for fights. Dog fighting is highly common in Turkey even though it is illegal and prohibited by the Law of Animal Protection. Dog fighting events are organized in cold seasons. This season starts around September and ends in late April. Dog fighting events are made on ground in a quiet place. Spectators never bet on dogs for money, but they just watch the game. Owners of dogs put their dogs in fighting field either for fame or money. Sometimes the owners bet even a car or a house for the game. A group of people organize pittbull fighting in Istanbul in pits in closed areas but their number is negligible. The dogfighters of Turkey are commonly ill-educated and income people. The most notorious fighting dogs are Turkish Kangal (Karabash) Shepherd Dog crossbreds. As a result the dog fighting is a criminal activity and requires police intervention
Article Type:Original research article
Received: 2015-05-05
Accepted: 2015-05-25
First Published:6/15/2024 5:07:36 PM
First Page & Last Page: 19 - 23
Collection Year:2015