Authors: Taha Nazir1 , Syed Muzzammil Masood Zaidi2

Clinical services, Pharmaceutical care, Tertiary health care


The current clinical and pharmaceutical care in developing countries needs special attention of
international health care organizations. The poor health care facilities are potentially hurting the
overall quality of life and health standards. So, we have to control the drug interactions, clinical
errors, self/ wrong medications and therapeutical problem to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals described by World Health Organization. Thus, we have aimed this study to
point out the components, potentially hurting the health care system in Pakistan. The control of
irrational drug usage or poor pharmaceutical care will help to improve the indigenous health
standards. Whereas, the drug jurisprudence, licensing, inventory control and supply also need a
comprehensive revision and enforcement throughout the country. The channel through which the
drugs supplied without appropriate examination should also be checked at each step. The quality
tests, therapeutical monitoring, bio-safety and prescription review are additional safety valves to
control the avoidable health hazards. Therefore the drugs experts and qualified pharmacists
should be assigned their real clinical and patient oriented responsibilities instead of clerical,
administrative or inventory control task. This is also noticed that the prospective bureaucracy,
district health authorities and medical superintendents of public sector hospitals may
intentionally work collectively to keep the real custodian of drugs (pharmacists) away from his
real work. That may help them to obtain the maximum corporate, monetary and/ or political
benefits. Thus, in current practice the missing roles of drug experts and omission of
internationally recognized components of pharmaceutical care lead to malpractice in heath care
system. We may need additional legal restrictions to assure the safety of patients. The health
administration, political leadership, corporate businesses and pharmaceutical institutions should
work collectively to assure the quality and safety of patients.

Article Type:Review article
Received: 2011-10-02
Accepted: 2011-10-15
First Published:6/10/2024 7:16:52 PM
First Page & Last Page: 168 - 173
Collection Year:2011